Graphical Views
List view - the Today Screen allows displaying items with almost any set of criteria - an associate attorney's appointments for the next 3 months, all litigation items for the next week, outstanding medicals, all court appointments in Queens for next month - customized views to suit your practice.
- Automatic and customizable case scheduling
- Tickler system for both individual staff and for the practice as a whole
- Tracks and alerts need for correspondence and followup
- Follows and alerts you to discovery and document exchange requirements
- Internal messaging/e-mail
- Conflict checking
- Eliminate scheduling and holiday conflicts
- Critical date alerts
- The best eLaw synchronization - automatically records adjournments and Court activity, while allowing easy verification of the process
- Exclusive direct interface to eLaw - allowing you direct access to eLaw's screens with just one click - for example go to the"Appearances" page for your case